Te Perdono (Day 13 of 27)

13 de septiembre - Te Perdono
September 13 - I Forgive You

Drawing inspiration from Mesoamerican civilizations, the modern writer Miguel Ruiz presents a code of conduct for creating happiness in our life, described in his book Los Cuatros Acuerdos (The four agreements: a practical guide to personal wisdom). Ruiz's philosophy states that one should be diligent and principled in your personal life and not be overwhelmed by things we can not change.

Mayan sculpture. Toltec, Mexica/Aztec and Maya civilizations are three of many Mesoamerican civilizations that existed before first contact with Europeans. Statue housed at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.

For my Spanish homework today, I chose phrase #21, regarding forgiveness, to ponder and analyze. Here it is in English and Spanish.

21. We pardon/forgive those whom we believe have behaved badly towards us, not because they deserve it, rather because we feel so much love for ourselves that we do not want to continue paying for those injustices.

21. Hemos de perdonar a los que creemos que se han portado mal con nosotros, no porque se lo merezcan, sino porque sentimos tanto amor por nosotros mismos que no queremos continuar pagando por esas injusticias.


orgiveness is for our own benefit, not for the benefit of the persons whom we are forgiving. El perdón es para nuestro proprio beneficio, no para el beneficio de las otras personas a quienes perdonamos.

As long as we feel like the victim, we carry a heavy burden of feelings, that ultimately turns towards ourselves: anger and depression, powerlessness and loss of control, negative thinking, guilt, shame and self-blame. Mientras nos sentimos como la víctima, llevamos una carga pesada de sentimientos, que finalmente se vuelven hacia nosotros mismos: enojo, depresión, impotencia y pérdida de control, pensamientos negativos, culpas, vergüenzas y auto-culpas.

Forgiveness allows us to put the burden down ... and walk away from it. Liberated and free. El perdón permite bajar la carga ... y caminar afuera y alejarse de ella. Liberandonos gracias al "perdon."

    I like to practice #21. My experience has shown me that the passage of time helps the most. Me gusta practicar #21. Mi experiencia me ha enseñado que el paso de tiempo cura las heridas del alma.

    For small travesties, my burden level drops quickly within a few days. For medium travesties, the burden level linearly decreases over several days. For larger travesties, the burden level is like exponential decay. I seriously can not remember someone whom I have not pardoned. I still think they wronged me, but I don't dwell on it or hate them. Does this count as true forgiveness, or is this false forgiveness? No sé.

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