Frida Kahlo Poema (Day 14 of 27)

To Love without possessing.

To Be Together without overwhelming.

To Live without being dependent. 

   - Frida Kahlo, english translation

September 14. The life and works of Frida Kahlo - this was topic of today's class discussion. A Mexican intellectual, artist and writer - she is internationally known.

Art, and original poem in Spanish
To Love without possessing.
To Be Together without overwhelming.
To Live without being dependent.

Frida had a life (vida) with serious physical pain (dolor), daily, since an early age. As a girl (niña), polio impaired her right leg (pierna derecha). As an adolescent (joven), a bus accident gravely and severely injured (herido) her body including foot, pelvis, ribs, spinal column and shoulders. Both events left her with a lifetime of physical disabilities (física discapacidad).

Yet, she was able to lead a satisfying and productive life. I asked the psychologist in our Spanish class why some people with Frida's circumstances can thrive (medrar) while other people withdraw (dejarse) from life. Her response - resilience, a term psychologist use to mean the ability "to bend without breaking (doblarse sin quebarse)."

Class members: Domie (retired psychologist), Gloria (instructor), Jane
Tres Mujeres: Dominique (psicóloga jubilada), Gloria (maestra), Jane

Informative website about Frida, in English, and unaffiliated with Frida Kahlo or her representatives.

Note to self - apply poem at home.

This post is dedicated to the memory of my Aunt Jean Nieh. Life tested her many times, and she demonstrated resilience. Wednesday, September 19, she could bend no further and broke. Se dobló y se quebró.

Next Post (Day 15 of 27) ENCONTRÉ FRIDA!
Previous Post (Day 13 of 27) TE PERDONO
