Buen Provecho (Day 6 of 27)

Buen provecho - 6 de septiembre
Bon appetit - September 6

Los alimentos y comidas cotidianos - Typical everyday foods and meals.
This is what I have been eating at the homestay, and at lunchtime at school.

If you like Mexican food in the States, then it is effortless to adapt to the food in Mexico. The common practice in Mexico is to serve the main meal of the day at mid-afternoon, whereas we US Americans, or Estadounidenses, serve our largest meal in the evening.

Desayuno sirve a las 8 en la mañana. Me voy a las 8:30 de la casa a la escuela para clase a las 9. 
Breakfast isnserved at 8am. I leave at 8:40 to walk to school for 9am class.

#1: Frijoles y huevos con salsa verde. Yoghurt y fruta tropical.
Pan tostada con SKIPPY. Cafe con leche.

#2: Plato de papaya. Pan tostada y SKIPPY.
Avena (Oatmeal) con fresas. Cafe con leche.
Almuerzo - Lunch
Taken at Mediodía, Noontime. The school gives 20 minutes for lunch break.

Taquería - taquito is about the size of my hand.
 Taquito con carne, bebida.
$27 pesos=$1.50 USD.

Tomales street vendor -
Tomale Oaxacan con poblano, maíz y squash.
$30 pesos=$1.60 USD
La Comida - Main Meal
Sirve a las 3 en la tarde, mas o menos en la tarde. Regresso a las 3:30. 
Served at 3pm more or less. I return from school at about 3:30pm.
Sopa de verduras. Plato de Res y papas y zanahorias, Arroz blanco,
Ensalada de brocoli, Tostada horneada (marca SANISSIMO), Jugo.

Plato Mexicano muy típico - Res y zanahorias con salsa de chile rojo. 
Frijoles, arroz y tortillas. Jugo de guayabas.

Snack Lijero o Plato Pequeńo - Light Snack or Small Plate
Later at night, between 8pm and 10pm, I eat a light meal or snack, or nothing. The Mexicans have adopted the English word Snack. In the evening I have, for example, yoghurt and fruit, salad and sandwich. I have not eaten dessert, yet. 

Auga - Water
  • I use tap water to brush my teeth.
  • I drink filtered tap water from the kitchen.
  • I also buy bottled water.
  • I boil water for tea.
  • I use a plastic bottle with a fine-grade filter. 
Reto - Challenge
Qué es eso? What are these?
RespustaAnswer - Fried Grasshoppers, seen at the Feria.


next post (day 7 of 27) - CASA DE LOS ANFITRIONES
previous post (day 5 of 27) - NO BUENO


  1. Lol. Did you try the fried grasshoppers? Your breakfast looked delicious and healthy! I didn’t realize your homestay family provides you cooked meals, too! This is turning out to be a very nice, relaxing vacation!


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