Ave María (day 4 of 27)

Iglesia de Tlaltenango - 4 de septiembre
Church of Tlatenango - September 4
If you like the decorative arts technique of gilding, come see this church in Cuernavaca.

El nombre completo es Iglesia de Tlaltenango Santuarío de Nuestra Señora de los Milagros. The full name is Church of Tlaltenango Sanctuary of our Lady of Miracles.

Desde 1886. Adentro, decorado de oro. Founded in 1886, the interior is ornately decorated in gold.

Campanario - Campanile (Bell Tower)
If you want to experience the feeling of standing directly under a big ringing bell, come to this church.

La campana en el campanario (torre) es grande. Estuve de pie en el baso del campanario. El sonido resonó por la cráneo. The bell in the campanile (bell tower) is manually rung every day, and some times twice or more. I coincidentally happen to be standing at the base of the bell tower when it was rung, looked up and saw a person's arm pounding the bell with a wooden mallet. The sound resonated through my skull.

Bell tower, also called a campanile 

Frente de la iglesia. Facade of church.

Ave María Gratia Plena - Hail Mary, Full of Grace
Ave Maria, or Hail Mary, is a prayer from the Catholic tradition. Hail Mary is also a risky sports play used in hope of a miracle win.
Gilded and framed Latin phrase, above side door of alter

Notas - Notes
Tlaltenango es una palabra Náhuatl, un idioma indígena de México. Tlaltenango is a Náhuatl word, an indigenous language in Mexico. The language is still in use, among other indigenous dialects, although it has changed since first contact with Europeans. 

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  1. I am trying to figure out the architectural style - Baroque ? -V


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